Schools & Departments

Rated among the top undergraduate schools in the Southeast, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ offers a broad range of academic opportunities. No matter what your career goals are, you're likely to find an academic program, area of study or continuing education program suited to your interests.

The academic functions at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ are organized into schools and departments, each offering one or more programs and various courses of study within their disciplines. In addition, there is an Honors College and a Center for Professional and Continuing Studies. 

School of Business

As a student in ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ's School of Business, you'll gain professional acumen, technical proficiency and critical communication skills through engaging coursework and internship opportunities. You'll interact with like-minded students through hands-on learning and hone the skills needed to succeed in today's business world.

School of Business

School of Education

Is your dream to attain the leadership skills needed for a career in the education field? Do you want to collaborate with other visionaries and improve the future for students? The School of Education at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ is recognized by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and is approved by the South Carolina Board of Education to facilitate teacher certification.

School of Education

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Programs in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences are geared toward thinkers, dreamers and storytellers. Studying the humanities will provide you with a unique view of the world through areas of study like music, art, history and religion, to name a few. Students may choose from six innovative programs and have the opportunity to delve into their chosen area of the liberal arts.

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

State-of-the-art research facilities, hands-on laboratories and a rooftop greenhouse provide the setting for innovative learning in our School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Historically, African-Americans have been underrepresented in the ranks of the nation's scientists. At ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ we are doing everything in our power to reverse that trend.

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Alice Carson Tisdale Honors College

The Honors College is committed to preparing visionary leaders. As a prestigious college within ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University, we offer a rigorous learning environment designed to prepare and empower change leaders of tomorrow.

Honors College

the Center for Professional and Continuing Studies

Our flexible program is designed to give working adults the opportunity to pursue their education while also balancing careers and families. Offering flexibility is our top priority, so we offer full-time and part-time enrollment options as well as evening and weekend classes.

Professional and Continuing Studies

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