A ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Education:
  • More than a means to a degree
    This institution will help define not just what you do, but also who you become. Your ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ education will provide a wealth of rich experiences to draw from, both academically and personally, on your way to becoming a leader and a visionary. With a 14:1 student-teacher ratio and a close-knit community that’s described as a family, you will enjoy rewarding relationships with faculty and your peers, and the bonds that you create will last a lifetime.
  • Broaden your frame of reference
    Our campus is in South Carolina, but our perspective is global. As evidenced by a student body that hails from 24 states and 18 countries, we prize diversity in all its forms. Our educational philosophy embraces community service, undergraduate research, experiential learning and enrichment programs like Study Abroad, allowing you to stretch your boundaries in ways a classroom setting alone never could.
  • A wise investment
    It’s no surprise to anyone who knows us that, year after year, U.S. News and World Report names ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ among the top ten HBCUs in the nation. With a strong focus on innovation, leadership and student success, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ is synonymous with outstanding preparation for 21st century careers or advanced studies. At the same time, we emphasize value by keeping our tuition as affordable as possible and helping students unearth every option for financial aid.
  • The perfect place from which to launch your career. And your life.
    You’ll hear a great deal about “ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Confidence”. It’s hard to define, but you’ll know it when you see it – as will future colleagues and employers. It’s about independence and self-reliance. It’s about thinking critically and analytically, acting ethically and getting in touch with your inner visionary. ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Confidence is the result of the years you spend here being challenged to aim higher than you could imagine and being mentored along your journey.
  • Makes you part of something historic, yet enduring
    Dating back to 1869, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ’s were the first doors of higher education opened to African-Americans in the state of South Carolina. 155 years later, our scope and mission are bigger, but we remain an institution of inclusion and innovation. As a ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ undergraduate, you will be following in the footsteps of generations of men and women who were the leaders, achievers and visionaries of their time.

5 Elements of Visionary Leadership

Fulfilling our mission of educating visionaries with a global perspective involves the development of five key competencies:

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Envision innovative solutions and possess knowledge and skills that can bring about change
Master complex concepts and skill sets, conduct original research, and integrate principles from a diverse range of ideas.
Develop foresight, resourcefulness, and innovative problem-solving.
Maintain a strong commitment to the community, both locally and globally, with a desire to improve the human condition and serve others.
Become an agent of change by learning strategies to truly make an impact in the world.
  • US News Best Colleges logo

    U.S. News & World Report ranked us as one of "America’s Best Colleges" for 12 consecutive years, #1 in the South among 80 schools nationally for our “Strong Commitment to Teaching,” #2 in Annual Alumni Giving (36%) among Top Tier Colleges in the South and #1 among HBCUs, and calls us the #1 best college value

  • Forbes logo

    Forbes.com named us the top HBCU in the U.S., among the top 4% of all colleges and universities in the country, and ranked us in the top third of the nation’s colleges and universities as a “Best College Buy”

  • Washington Monthly logo

    Washington Monthly lists us as the #10 overall baccalaureate college or university

  • Consumers Digest Best Buy logo

    Consumer Digest selected us as the #3 best value among top private colleges and universities nationally

  • The Chronicle logo

    Chronicle of Higher Education ranked us #2 for retention rate among very selective HBCUs

  • The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll logo

    For the sixth consecutive year, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ was named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll – the highest award a university can receive for its service efforts

  • HBCU Digest - HBCU of the Year, 2015

    HBCU Digest - HBCU of the Year, 2015

  • Forbes.com America's Best Colleges

    Forbes.com America's Best Colleges

  • Washington Monlthy: Best Bang for your Buck, 2015

    Washington Monthly 2015 Best Colleges; Best Bang for Your Buck

  • Washington Monthly: Best Liberal Arts Colleges, 2015

    Washington Monthly 2015 Best Colleges; Best Liberal Arts Colleges

  • 2,200
    ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ's all-time high enrollment of students
  • ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ international student
  • 43
    ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ students, faculty and staff hail from 43 countries
  • 83 percent
    ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ faculty holding terminal degrees in their fields
  • ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ professor
  • 11
    ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Panther teams in the CIAA and the NCAA Division II
  • ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ athletes
  • 37/4/7
    37 undergraduate majors and 4 graduate degrees and 7 online degrees
  • ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ student
  • 14:1
    Student to faculty ratio
Support the next generation of ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Leaders
Your support provides educational enrichment through student scholarships, loan funds, instructional classroom equipment, preparing ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ's students to be leaders of the future.