Academic Resources & Support

Reaching your full potential -- isn't that what college is all about? Learn about our academic resources and services that will help you develop and strengthen the skills needed to be successful at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ and beyond.

If you are looking for extra help in a particular subject or you wish to polish your study skills in general, our range of academic support options is a great place to find solutions.

ASC Tutoring/Study Sessions Program

Tutoring is designed to assist students who are facing challenges in a particular class(es). The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers individual, group and peer tutoring sessions.

Academic Advisement Services

Advising is a collaborative partnership between faculty, staff and students which will lead to student success in a global and changing society. Advisors support students in the exploration and development of educational and career goals as well as provide guidance for students as they move through the academic and career decision-making processes.

Study Skills and College Survival Services

Often students find that their approach to studying needs to evolve when they get to college. Note taking, concentration strategies and time management are among the skills covered in the Academic Success Center's Study Skills workshop. On a more general level, the College Survival seminar imparts valuable information that helps students get to know ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ and navigate the many facets of college life.

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